Monday, September 8, 2014

Week in the life of a Sister Missionary

Hey hey hey! How are you all?! This week went by so fast! It's great to be on missionary time :) \
so I'm just gonna give you run down of my week.. I brought my journal so I could remember things :)

So Monday night we had a Labor Day BBQ and it was great!!! A lot of people came and had fun and it was a great missionary opportunity. Pretty much people that were in the park just wanted to come join cause we were just having so much fun. We talked to some cool people. and we invited this mom that has 3 daughters and a son that are all little the oldest is like 11 i think? Not sure. But they are some rough people. I love them though. but anyway, Sister Giles has just been kinda like a friend for the last couple of months to them and they came to it and so we sat and talked to them and promised that the Gospel would help with behavioral problems and such and they agreed to actually meet with us :) so we were able to do that and we sang I am a Child of God with the girls and they loved it! We also taught them how to pray and let me tell you, that is my favorite part of being a missionary already. Teaching someone how to talk to their Father in Heaven is so priceless!! 
Tuesday.. I wish I remembered everything cause I don't even have that much time to write in my journal.. but pretty much we went tracting.. This is where my pride kicks in. I'm not a fan of it still. I'd rather just walk up to people on the street any day than knock on their door and talk to them. Anyway. My companion had me pick the street again and wanted to role play what I would say. I get so frustrated about it.. anyway. whatever. We got chewed out my a Catholic woman that was talking about deep doctrine and not understanding and it was kinda funny then we saw some people on the street and went to talk to them and they were not interested, then we saw another family so we walked a little farther and skipped some houses and they weren't interested then we went to another house and had a fantastic conversation about families and the world. and she asked if she could keep the Family Proc. we were like YESSSS!!! haha :) and then I shared Alma 36:3 and she loved it, so she said that she would read the rest of the chapter and we could come back and talk about it with her. :) It was great. Miracle of the story is that if we had not skipped over those other houses to talk to the people on the street then we would never have gotten that far to talk to her. Coolness! :) 
On Wednesday we started off the day doing service! It was super great! Like really :) I miss being outside and working at home... haha who would have ever thought that? ;) maybe it's just that I get to wear pants... :) haha but like 16 missionaries went to this ladys house and we took all the blackberries out of her yard. Blackberries grow wild here and they are super thorny. so that part was fun. but it went so well. We had fun doing it and we were able to accomplish a lot. She isn't a member, but she was so grateful and she said "you are all truly living your religion" Best compliment ever!! It was so stinking nice. You never know how you can touch someone's heart :) it was so crazy. One elder was using a machete and yeah... it was an interesting day!! :) Then we went to help with some humanitarian quilts for a bit and that was fun :) I love the little old ladies in this ward. They are the cutest.  You know that lady I told you about last week that was watering her flowers right when we were going to our car? Well we had our first appointment with her and for the first 30 minutes we were sure that she was going to drop us. She had the BoM facing us and everything. But then as she told us about herself we were able to get to know her and her issues and then we gave her personal stories and she really opened up to us :) It was so cool. Her concern is really about the evil even in her family and she is just trying to be a good person. So we gave  her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and the a card and she thought it was super cool that there is personal testimonies from around the world. So she is still a miracle :) hopefully she keeps going that way :) Then we got to go to mutual and paint our nails and it was super fun :) 

Thursday was a great day! we did some more service for someone needing help cleaning. haha there is a lot of help needed for cleaning in this area... :) then we had a couple of teaching appointments that went very well. and one of them was a hand off kinda deal. This girl that is best friends with the son of the Ward Mission Leader in our ward was being taught over skype by the son and his companion for a little while so we are now actually teaching her :) She is very intelligent and the only thing that would ever hold her back is her family who do not approve of Mormons very much. Please pray for her:)  
 Friday was even better!!! :) we had training meetings for new missionaries (I'm already sick of being a "new missionary..") haha and then a zone training meeting. They were both really great! then we went out to lunch to this BBQ place. holy cow. it was so good. I can't even describe how great it was. haha :) then!!!! We had an appointment with the mother and son that are golden. :) We talked about the principles of the Gospel and when we got to the part in the scripture that talked about baptism the mom got kinda quiet and thoughtful and the 12 year old son was like are you gonna get baptized mom?! haha :)  we didn't even have to be the ones to ask! We shared another scripture about following the Savior and being baptized so I invited them and they both said yes!!! :) it was fantastic! They are on date for the 27th :) it was way good. 
 Saturday was kinda blah. haha we had a rough day. Sister Giles gets really bad headaches so we had to take it kinda slow. She took a nap and I cleaned the kitchen (the ants here are horrific so I'm OCD) but yeah. just kinda blah. 
Sunday was great!!! during testimony meeting this man (totally looks like a mtn man) got up and said how grateful he is for the Elders who have been working with him to stop smoking and how they never once have judged him. He started out smoking 3 packs a day!!! now he is down to less than 1 :) he got so emotional and was just so happy and he said "This is just the greatest thing ever" about getting to talk about it :) he was awesome!!! I wish I could explain it better. I got to thank him afterward for what he shared and it was just cool :) Our night kinda fell apart on us. People cancelled. blah. But we had dinner at a less actives house and it was really great! :) they used to live in Rigby so that was a good little connection. They were asking me about some Stuckis there.. I'm pretty sure they must be Karl and Renae's. anyway we watched the mormon message dare to stand alone and they loved it. :) Hopefully they come back soon. 

Now we're to today. :) I love it here. It's really great!!! The people are so cool and inspiring. A lot of people here are converts and it amazes me the things they have had to go through and the ways that the Gospel touched them. It's so cool :) I love you all. I pray for you a lot :) Keep being awesome. :)

Sister Stucki  

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