Sunday, March 30, 2014


I think life is full of us taking dares. And really there are two that determine consequences. Taking the dares of the Spirit, or the dares of the adversary. *Reminders* Dare to follow the Spirit, and don't you dare let Satan in. Unfortunately, I have problems with both.
Is it just me, or is it just hard to understand the Spirit sometimes?! Maybe it is just me... oh well :) I'm trying I promise. So we've been told that everyone feels the Spirit in different ways, right? For me, I'm starting to realize when I'm feeling it super strong, my heart feels whole. And complete. And full. It feels right. I don't get a tingling sensation in my spine, or the chills. I just feel good. Sometimes, I don't exactly know what the impression is. BUT, the Spirit is never confusing. Confusing huh? ;) I think practice and consistency are the ways to figuring it all out.
Sadly, I can't feel those good feelings when the opposing team gets in the lead. And I try to remember "don't you dare let Satan in!" But I do.. Whether it is getting mad at my sister over a backpack.. (guilty), or thinking negatively about others or myself (double guilty), or letting trials and fears bring me to tears (sadly guilty), or getting frustrated with trying on temple dresses.. Satan will play on whichever chord we give him! I've been frustrated and think to myself, " I know Satan will never win, but it feels like it just never stops!" Patience is definitely a virtue, and that includes being patient with ourselves. We can't expect to be perfect now. The process of becoming perfect will just be difficult, I should accept that. That's how it will be worth it all.
Either way, trying to do the right thing is what's the most important. This week I will be entering the House of the Lord. That's how I am going to choose to stay ahead in this game. Heavenly Father has seriously blessed me beyond my imagination. The more I look at things (anything) relating to Oregon, I just realize it's so perfect for me! So that's why I am choosing to make some important promises to Him. I'm so excited! :) If anyone reading this is looking for advice before they go to the temple, EVERYONE will tell you to not try to remember everything the first time, so I guess I have to accept that too. So, just know that's what they'll say. :)
Next week I'm sure I'll be so excited to write about my feelings on the temple and general conference. For now I'll just be super excited for all of it! :) And I promise I'll dare to follow the Spirit. And I challenge anyone who ever reads this to dare to follow the Spirit also. And don't you dare let Satan in!

Til next week.. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Life of Firsts

This is my first blog post ever! Craziness! I'm a little behind on the whole technology trend..... But hopefully this will all be awesome! :)
So first of all, this blog is because I will be serving a mission! I will be leaving in August, so I'll be posting about getting ready to go until then, and then my sister will take over and update it weekly with what's going on in my life!
Second of all.. I'm going to tell you all about lil' ole me :)
My name is Madalyn Stucki. I was born and raised in Idaho Falls, ID. I really love it here! There really is no place like home as far as I'm concerned! I graduated from Bonneville High School in 2013, Go Bees! :) I went to a semester at Utah State University in Logan, UT studying Family, Consumer and Human Development (I want to go into Preschool/Daycare) and now I'm just workin' away until my mission. *random thought* --This feels like a job/college application or interview where you talk about yourself and you think.. "hmm I am probably the most boring person ever.." because you can't think of anything to say!-- .....Anyway, I love sports, especially basketball. I played for most of my life and I recently had the opportunity to be an assistant coach for one of my previous coaches at Rocky Mountain Middle School. Andddddd I'm EXTREMELY proud of my girls. They went undefeated and won the conference championship! :) I also play the cello! I love it. It has brought me so much happiness, some truly priceless experiences, and the best friendships. Um..... what else... There are 4 people in my family, 2 children (my sister and I), and I also have a dog (which is totally part of a family, just so we're all on the same page:) ) Oh, and I am a total movie addict. The struggle is real... haha:) Kidding. Most of all I LOVE my family and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's truly the best part of my life.

So, along with all that info, I'll tell you why I named my blog Little Duck in a Big Pond. Maybe you've figured out or already know, but I am called to serve in the Oregon Eugene mission!!! :) and the Oregon Ducks are located in that city. Everyone told me the most important phrase I need to know is "Go Ducks!" So my mom thought we ought to keep up the duck theme, and I loved it :) I am so excited for this chapter of my life. It's going to be one of the most amazing firsts I'll ever experience!!

In honor of it being the very first post and my new adventures awaiting  in Oregon.... GO DUCKS! :)