Monday, July 28, 2014

Long time no see :)

Well, my version of next week is a little off...... sorry!! Life has just been downright crazy, and with all the craziness, blogs/ technology and I haven't been getting along so well ;) So since my last post (feels like a decade ago) I have had lots of experiences, ups and downs, and a copious amount of tears. haha :) don't ya just love words like copious? just kidding.. kind of.

Experience usually comes in a couple of different forms right?  In the Gospel we learn by the Spirit plus other important things. Which is so fantastic or I would be super spiritually challenged without it. While I've been preparing to serve a full-time mission I've grown a ton! Some examples are: Tender mercies, TRIALS, temptations, preparing, and long talks with my Father in Heaven. So I want to tell you about some of these things!

First off tender mercies! Oh boy. I have been blessed beyond compare! I could go on and on about it. :)
So having my call 5 months before my report date has been kinda tough, but Heavenly Father blesses me at least once a week with meeting someone from that area that reassures me that I will love it! Weekly I'm telling ya! I have had customers at work that are complete strangers tell me about Oregon and who they know from there or someone who is serving there. What a blessing to have that constant uplift from Heavenly Father's children to keep me on the excitement train to Eugene. :)
I'm also blessed with my friends and family! I look up to them so much! I love that when I'm discouraged, and I pray for peace and happiness, it comes through these awesome people that I have been blessed with! I sincerely hope they know how much I love them!
A huge tender mercy is the temple. I live 8- 10 minutes away from the temple. Can life get any better?! I think not! As I ponder the covenants I am helping others make I always have a renewed love for all of Heavenly Father's children. Not to mention, I get emotional every single session I go to, because the Spirit is so strong and I love it there. I love the Gospel. and I love my Savior. All of it points to that. It has been a MASSIVE helper to staying at least close to the Iron Rod! :)
There are sooooo many more! My journal is loaded I swear!

Trials. There is no way of getting around them in life. But I am starting to understand the people I used to think were a little crazy for saying they were thankful for their trials. I get it now. There is no way I would be the same person if life were just a breeze. I get it when the scriptures say that they wrestled with God. Don't we do that daily? I am know I could probably take a piece of humble pie at least once a day! I have had trials as small as the difficulty of finding mission clothes and shoes (I'll save the shoe stories for another day... the struggle is soooo real), and lacking vitamin C, to feeling life I didn't have my "eye single to the glory of God", to teaching the 5-year-olds in primary, to having loved ones make decisions that break my heart, to having no confidence in myself as a missionary, and so on. There are lots of trials. but Christ can either be our stumbling block or our safe harbor. I know He is the Savior, so I'll take the safe harbor,  And I don't even have to sail alone.

Moving on to temptations.. Holy cow. They come in every shape, size, number, letter, color. Whether it is plain and simple doing something I know I shouldn't, or opening my mouth at an unfortunate time, or letting the above trials weigh me down, I'll tell ya, the adversary knows when the best moments in life are about to happen, and he stops at nothing to try to prevent everything that is good in life. I have always heard that Satan tempts those who are about to go on a mission more than ever, and I never knew how that was possible, but I sure do now! It's rough out there. The only things that keep my safety on are going to the temple, being with my family and close friends, and reading til my eyes can't stay open anymore. And that's okay. I'll show Satan whose boss.

AHH Preparing. Every single person that knows I am going on a mission has at least asked me once "So.. Ya ready?!?" I usually smile and nervously say "hahahaha yeahhhh! I'm excited!" Are you kidding me? haha am I ready?! I don't know if there is a single way to be ready for something that is life altering, if so please let me know:) But in the mean time I sure will try to be ready! I have learned that the only way I could ever be ready is if I have a testimony. and I do. I'll give it to you sometime :) That's how I check my readiness.

Finally, I am so glad that we have a loving Father in Heaven. If I talked to any friend as much as I converse with Him, I'm sure they'd get sick of it reallllllllll fast. But Heavenly Father is all knowing, all powerful. He knows me. His only begotten son died for me. Whenever I pray, I get what I need. It may not be what I think I need, but He assures me, by the Spirit which I can feel while writing this, that He loves me and He will take care of everything. I don't need more than knowing that. I want everyone I know to know that. It's the biggest comfort of all in my life. It's how He shows love for us. And at this point in my life, I'm about to do something kinda crazy. I need Him more than ever! And I'm grateful He is always there.

This is turning into a longgggg post, but I guess it makes up for the last 3 months...? :) I can't wait to get out there. 17 days and I'll be immersed in helping others come unto Christ. :) Best life ever!

My next post will *hopefully* be my packing list and what I am taking with me to the great OEM! and then I will post my farewell talk! Can't even comprehend that this is real life! :)

Just kiddin'. Imma post my call video first. It's da best! :)  so here it is... Then I'll be done :)

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